In this wordless comic from Jason Viola, a rabbit frustrated with the daily grind of life discovers his creative calling by manipulating his own shadows into sculptures. Â At first a liberating exercise, it soon becomes just another job.
Both the art and spirit of this minicomic is a quite a departure from Jason’s other work. Â While he usually embraces a cartoony jokey style, Rabbit Shadows is beautifully textured, and quiet. Â Jason throws in a few gags here and there, but for the most part it is a straight story of the struggle to find and keep fresh ones creative spark.
It’s a real gem.
One of the Top Ten Minicomics of 2008
-Shawn Hoke, Size Matters Minicomic Blog [Full Review]
“…it’s nice to see someone displaying the conceptual drive that results in an entire package…”
-Tom Spurgeon, Comics Reporter [Full Review]
“Viola’s drawing is lovely here…”
-Rob Clough, High-Low Comics [Full Review]
” Viola understands how to make minicomics and how to draw a story that will look good in a pocket sized book.”
-Shannon Smith, File Under Other [Full Review]
“The drawing style and the unencumbered artwork…along with the handmade cover, all contribute to the “art comic” feel of this small press comic.”
-Midnight Fiction [Full Review]
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