Rob lives in a tiny dust-bowl town, and works a menial job in the office of a factory in town. After work, he makes his way to the bar where his sister, Ambria, works. After that he stops by Hank’s Liquor Store. After that, he wakes up and goes to work again. Rob hates his life, but has no motivation to change his situation…until a clerical error in the cosmos marks Rob as dead, and his soul is sent to earth to haunt his sister.
Simultaneously snarky and compassionate, Luke Howard’s Dead-End Rob No. 2 is a fun read full of likeable characters (even Rob’s soul…who’s kind of a jerk). Rob doesn’t take the arrival of a being that claims to be living life the way Rob should have. Meanwhile, Ambria and her girlfriend, Trip get past the haunting’s stranger aspects, and start to become friends with Rob’s soul.
But their tiny town has a new ominous visitor, whose intentions seem sinister and directly related to Rob’s situation!
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