Freddy Stories is the Xeric-Grant-winning collection of vignettes about tom boy Freddy, her mom, her Great-Uncle Sal, and her dog Frank. Freddy pokes at bugs with sticks, rides her bike, plays in dirt & mud, and eats food. You know, kids stuff.
Melissa Mendes has captured exactly what I remember childhood to be. The simplicity of a day, running around, getting dirty, grass-stained and bruised. Laughing one minute, being bullied the next, and then laughing again. Melissa’s drawings are simple and spare, but the details she chooses to draw reveal an entire world of information about her characters and their lives.
There are no unrealistic plot lines, or constructed conflict, just simple moments from Freddy’s days. It is experience boiled down to its most essential, and therefore a very important read.
Freddy warms your heart and tickles your funnybone at the same time.
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