Monkey Chef tells the story of the nine months Mike Freiheit spent in South Africa as a chef for a primate sanctuary, preparing food for both the monkeys and their caretakers. This book, A Love Story, is the third installment in Mike’s Series, and tells the story of Mike’s love life while being a monkey chef.
Frustrated by his dead-end job, working for terrible people in a harsh city, Mike applied for a job to be a volunteer chef at a primate sanctuary in South Africa. Inconveniently, his 9-month stint at the sanctuary started shortly after he met and started dating a woman named Megan. The couple tries a long-distance romance, but stress and temptation endanger their relationship.
Monkey Chef, A Love Story ranges from laugh-out-loud funny, to nerve-wracking, to dramatic, to heartwarming. Mike’s comics are always open and honest about his shortcomings and inner demons. This comic -his longest to date- is an accomplishment of his unique style of storytelling.
Monkey Chef, A Love Story is published by Kilgore Books. While it covers some experiences covered in previous installments, this book does NOT contain comics from Monkey Chef No’s 1 or 2.
Joseph Coco –
This is definitely more than an illustrated travel journal. Mike’s experiences are wonderfully human and he masterfully relates his internal struggles to those of his monkey friends. The painterly art-style lends to the raw feeling of the graphic novel. You can see his love of Africa by the way he beautifully illustrates the animals and setting.