In Rotten, M.S. Harkness retells a harrowing story of abnormal menstruation, and the 2016 Presidential election. M.S. has always dealt with intense periods, in the months surrounding the election, something goes terribly wrong in her uterus.
Health insurance is great and everything, but even if you have it, it can often leave you deep in medical bill debt, and reluctant to check in with doctors when your body starts to malfunction. So, as the political worlds flipped upside down, M.S.’s tactic toward her medical problems was to hope it goes away on its own…fun story, it doesn’t.
With biting humor (directed as often toward herself as it is toward the ding dongs around her), and an energetic, bold cartooning style, M.S. keeps you riveted to her story, laughing and cringing at the same time!
Winner, 2020 MICE Mini-Grant
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