The Sequential Artists Workshop in Gainesville, FL are putting on a comics fest within a zine fair!
We'll be tabling! Come out and say hi!
The Sequential Artists Workshop in Gainesville, FL are putting on a comics fest within a zine fair!
We'll be tabling! Come out and say hi!
Co-organized by Sheika Lugtu of Cow House Press, PIE (formerly PIX) is a one-day comics festival in the city of bridges!
FREE! All ages welcome!
Exhibitors have not been announced yet!
Have fun at CAMP! Co-organized by Isabella Rotman, independent comics are coming to Portland, ME in a big way! FREE & Open to the public!
Exhibitors haven't been announced, but we imagine several cartoonists whose comics we distribute will be tabling!
Poster art by K Czap!
The flower city's indie comics fest returns!
Check out everything Western New York has to offer!
(We can't exhibit this year, but we're planning on applying for 2026 for sure!)
Back after a long pandemic-induced hiatus! Our very own Neil Brideau is helping EXILE Projects organize the fair!
Applications open now!
Organized in the past and present by several cartoonists Radiator Comics distributes, it's CAKE! CAKE is one of the best comics fests in the country in one of the best cities in the country!
FREE! Open to the public!
Applications open soon!