7” Kara by Becca Hillburn is a story of family and friendship, following the adventures of tiny Lilliputian, Kara, as she explores the larger outside world. Sheltered her entire life, Kara longed for adventure, but found more than she bargained for when she met a human teenager and her pet kitten.
In a supply room closet. In an abandoned shed. At the base of an old Spanish Oak. Lilliputians are everywhere, if you know how to look for the signs. Sometimes, if your heart is open, you might even befriend one.
Kara and Naomi begin a tentative and unusual friendship over shared loneliness and a fondness for gregarious black kittens. Despite their differences, the two girls bond over art supplies, cups of tea, and comic books. Kara learns how to ride a kitten, and the two girls devise a way to communicate across long distances. But life isn’t all tea parties and glitter—Kara’s parents are preparing to move out into the wilderness, and Kara isn’t ready to give up everything she’s ever known. Summer is drawing to a close, and big changes and new places are in store for Naomi, too. Can Naomi and Kara find a way to stay friends?
Volume 2 by Becca Hillburn includes a gallery of beautiful guest art as well as a step by step guide on how 7” Kara was made! Tackle big adventure with larger than life friendships!
“Hillburn paints exactly the kind of miniature world I loved reading about as a kid, or heck, even as an adult! As Kara and Naomi navigate their differences (and not just in size), it’s a good reminder that we all have things to teach and things to learn from those around us.”
—Zack Giallongo, creator of STAR WARS DOODLES and BROXO
“The charming story should be read anytime, but I’d recommend it especially on a warm summer night with fireflies, crickets, and family.”
-Jerzy Drozd, co-author of SCIENCE COMICS: ROCKETS”
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