Stray follows Jack, a chaotic romantic spiraling into disaster desperately seeking comfort in others while ignoring their own destructive tendencies. While thoroughly hung up on the past, Jack meets Stray and their whole world changes. Tender and sensual, lush and palpable, Stray ushers in a new era of cartoonist Molly Mendoza’s wholehearted approach to making comics and telling stories. For readers 16+
Broken Frontier Awards (2022) – Best One-Shot
Cartoonist Studio Prize (2023) – Best Print Comic Nomination
“Narration, imagery, colour and lettering choices all carefully crafted to utilise every aspect of the medium to their fullest communicative capacity.”
– Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier [Full Review]
“[Stray] is a gorgeous, flowing river of colour and emotion and expression…there’s so much fire contained in its pages.”
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