Tear Stained Makeup by Marcos Pérez follows a group of friends who are transitioning out of their reckless youth whether they like it or not. When self-absorbed rockstar, Laura Dee throws herself in front of a taxi, her life will become intertwine with a troubled and charismatic doctor, named Wilson. Meanwhile, bookish and reserved Tildy’s obsession for Basque culture is reignited when she meets a handsome street musician from the region, and she’ll go out on a limb to follow her passion.
The calm in these personal storms is Alonzo, who runs a bar and shares a past with everyone. Throughout their current journeys, we see flashbacks of the raucous lives the group of friends have shared, full of love, heartbreak, betrayal, music, and drugs.
Tear Stained Makeup collects and revises Marcos’ minicomic series from the early 2000’s. This long-awaited, New York City-soaked, music-themed melodrama centers the lives of restless characters trying to find their place in the world.
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