Futile Comics is a one-person comics anthology by Mike Centeno. Futile Comics explores our odd struggle to get through life in one piece. Through short stories, Mike dives into personal concerns, societal expectations, interpersonal drama, and philosophical conundrums!
In Issue Five:
Mike devotes most of the issue to the story “Tyrant,” the tale of a despotic oligarch, who has escaped a dying Earth for a new planet to colonize. The spaceship carries passengers frozen in cryogenic sleep as it finds a planet suitable for a new home. The tyrant is woken up every time the ship arrives at a potential planet, only to find each possibility is uninhabitable.
As the ship continues to seek out a new home, the tyrant’s state of mind deteriorates…not that he was that nice to begin with. His drinking increases, and he becomes self-destructive, and he is extremely cruel to the ship’s on-board computer, which provides him with any amenity or pleasure he could ask for.
“Tyrant” is followed by a far more somber and intimate story of Mike’s relationship with immigration and migration. Mike is originally from Caracas, Venezuela, and now living in Chicago. This untitled comic is only eight pages, but contains a complex story of displacement, belonging, and home.
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