Kenan Rubenstein and I (Neil Brideau) each created a serialized fantasy comic about restless teenagers who uncover a secret history of their sleepy towns, Last Train to Old Town and the Plot (respectively). Kenan and I are good friends, and often table together. When we realized we had independently created comics so similar to each others’, we started talking about how we could work together on them. We edit each others’ comics, and encourage each other to get work done. We thought it would be a lot of fun to collaborate on a joint project to promote each of our comics.
Enter, the tote bag. So versatile! So stylish! One side features Kenan’s characters from Last Train To Old Town, CJ, Two Shoes, Stone and Metalhead Mike. The other side features the mysterious character Nardo riding the giant bug from the Plot. Each illustration revolves around reading! The perfect tote bag in which to put all of your comics!
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