Spaghetti Punch is a one-person anthology by the unapologetically enthusiastic Betsey Swardlick! Issue two features a single short story, “Party People,” which takes place at a party at a famous vampire’s mansion in the desert. Some humans are catering the vampire party, and while the martini glasses are full of blood, the guests don’t have any reservations tasting some “live supply,” directly from the catering staff.
Betsey’s storytelling style is full of energy, slapstic, word play, and as she puts it in the postscript, the antics of “stone cold idiots.” It’s a fun and strange world Betsey has created, of which we want to explore more! The good news is this is the first installment in a series of comics she’s titled “Bloodsucre,” to be serialized in Spaghetti Punch!
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