Coco Picard speculates on an alternate art-history timeline. In it, when Joseph Beuy’s bomber plane crashed in WWII and Tartars brought him back to health, part of his spirit split from him and escaped into etherial planes. It was the search for his missing self-sliver that lead Beuys to spend a weekend in a motel with a wild Coyote in his famous “I Like American and America Likes Me” performance. The plan was to lure the separated spirit of himself into the coyote, and then to bond with the Coyote. But as anyone who has ever tried to recapture their missing self, even the best laid plans can not guarantee success.
This comic is a very involved recipe for sprit-catching, and a lot of fun for it to be played out in the theatre of a well-known performance-art piece. The story puts Coco’s art front and center, where she excells at drawing mystical refractions. I would love to see a whole series of alternate-universe art-history: Louise Bourgeois sculptures to long-banished demigods, or Matthew Barney’s Cremaster Cycle as hard-hitting investigative journalism.
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