Printed in beautiful blues and browns, the Shortpants Observer was a short-lived (just one issue) anthology put together by Sarah Becan designed to feature the Midwest’s deep bench of talented comics makers.
Anya Davidson tells of the slick huckster, Mr. Magic. Don’t let him distract him from your nose-hair braiding appointment!
Corinne Mucha provides four short comics about death. Her strange ideas of how to avoid it, her experiences with the deceased flora and fauna of her life, and a solemn remembrance of an influential friend.
Becca Taylor investigates shark mating behavior and its similarities to human nature, at times juxtaposing naturalistic drawings with sharks dishing out dating advice.
Jeremy Tinder tells of the friendship between a girl and a bear that has unraveled to a single thread. Will a charismatic hooligan’s prank end their friendship FOREVER?
It’s been six years, but I’m still anxiously awaiting issue two.
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